

捻挫・骨折 Sprains/ Fractures 使えるフレーズ


Where does it hurt?



Can you bend your knee?



When did you first notice the pain?



When did you first notice the swelling?



Do you feel dizzy or sick?



Can you raise your arms?



What is the pain like?



Do you feel numness?



Did you lift anything heavy?



How long have you been having the pain?



In what situation do you get the pain?



Let's take  an X-ray.



You have a comunited fracture.



I'm going to give you a painkiller.



I'll put a cast on your left leg.



Please use crutches.



Please use a weelchair.



You need to wear cast for about one month.



Please ice the affected area for 2 hours.



I'll prescribe some wet compress.



Please lie on your side and take a fetus poses.